Are you a coffee professional and want the opportunity of an amazing life changing experience?
Visit the birthplace of your coffee.
Learn how your coffee is harvested.
How it reaches your cup.
Learn how to recognize differences in the product.
See how the local people live and work.
Meet others who have the same passion as you.
Set out on a lifetime experience.
The purpose of these visits is to:
locate and sample coffee and the supply source
discuss goals with coffee producers and roasters as part of an ongoing relationship
determine production quantities and pricing for upcoming harvest seasons
learn about the people and places where their coffees originate
Is this something that interests you? Visit the contact us form for more information!
Our farm is located in Los Planes, Comayagua, Honduras. It is positioned approximately 1800 meters above sea level. It sits on 50 acres of land with about 30,000 coffee plants of different varieties including Pacamara, Parainema, Obata, Icafe90, Borbon, Geisha, Columbia Rojo, Arabica, Cuscatleco, and more!
Our dream is to welcome others to these beautiful mountains, share this wonderful cultural experience with others from around the world while promoting a fair price for the farmers. Empowering the farmers is an investment in coffee quality, their communities, as well as working to protect environmental stability.
Farm Image provided by Google Satellite